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Mastering Bifold Doors: Your DIY Guide to Trimming

Bifold doors, those space-saving wonders with their accordion-like folds, are a popular choice for closets, doorways, and more. But sometimes, even the perfect door needs a little trimming.
Don’t worry, tackling this project yourself is entirely possible! Precision is key to ensuring both smooth operation and a polished look for your doors.
This guide will cover everything you need to know about how to trim bifold doors, from gathering the right tools to making the final cut. Let’s get started on mastering those bi-fold doors!

When Do You Need to Trim Bifold Doors?
Here are some scenarios where your toolbox and DIY skills may come in handy:
• New Flooring: Upgrading with plush carpeting or stylish tiles can make bifold doors drag.
• Door Replacement: Replacing a bifold door might seem simple, but manufacturer size variations can occur.
• Uneven Openings: Older homes often have non-square doorways.
Improperly sized doors can cause the door to scrape against the floor. Binding occurs when doors fit too tightly, making them hard to fold or unfold. Additionally, doors that are too short create unsightly gaps.
Accurately trimming your bifold doors helps avoid problems and ensures they function smoothly and look great in your space.

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Tools and Materials Needed
For a successful bifold door trim, gather these essential tools:
• Measuring Tape: To take precise measurements of your door and opening.
• Level (Optional): While not essential, a level can help ensure straight lines when marking your cuts.
• Sandpaper: For smoothing out any rough edges after cutting.
• Saw: Choose between a hand saw for a more controlled cut or a circular saw for faster work.
• Clamps: To hold your door securely in place while you make your cuts, ensuring precision and safety.
• Plane: Ideal for shaving off small amounts of wood to achieve a perfect fit, especially useful after making larger cuts with a saw.
• Pencil: To mark your measurements and cut lines on the door.
• Safety Glasses: Essential for protecting your eyes from sawdust and wood chips during cutting and sanding processes.
Measuring and Marking for Trimming
Before you grab your saw and unleash your inner carpenter, precise measuring and marking are key for a successful bifold door trim.
Here’s a step-by-step guide:
1. Measure the Door Opening: Begin by measuring the height and width of the door opening, taking measurements at multiple points — the top, middle, and bottom for width and both sides for height. This will help you identify any irregularities in the frame.
2. Measure the Door: Next, measure the height and width of the bifold door itself. Compare these measurements with the opening dimensions to determine how much material needs to be trimmed.
3. Mark the Door: Using a pencil, mark the door to indicate where you will be cutting.
4. Account for Clearance: Ensure you account for proper clearance at the top and bottom of the door. Typically, you should allow a gap of about 3 mm at the top and 13 mm at the bottom for smooth operation and to accommodate flooring or carpets.
Tip for Accuracy: Draw a straight cutting line between the marks using a straight edge or level. Clamp the straightedge to the door if using a hand saw for added control while marking the line. Double-check all measurements for accuracy, then secure the door with clamps to ensure precision and safety during the cut.
These steps will provide a precise trimming process for a professional finish.

Cutting the Bifold Doors
Now for the moment of truth: the cut! Safety first! Wear your safety glasses and gloves.
Choose your weapon:
• Hand Saw: Ideal for controlled, precise cuts. Clamp the door securely to a flat surface to prevent movement. With a steady hand, follow your marked line, ensuring each stroke is straight and even.
• Circular Saw: Offers faster cutting but demands greater caution. Set the blade depth to match the door thickness. Clamp a straightedge to the door as a guide for a perfectly straight cut. Turn on the saw and slowly guide it along the straightedge, maintaining control throughout the cut.
Remember, a clean first cut is crucial. Take your time and focus on precision to avoid the need for recuts when learning how to trim bifold doors.

Finishing Touches After Trimming
Almost there! Now, we address the freshly cut edge.
• Sanding: Using fine-grit sandpaper, gently sand down any rough edges left from the cut for a smooth finish.
• Sealing: Exposed wood is susceptible to moisture damage. To protect the cut edge and maintain a polished look, apply a coat of paint or sealant that matches the door finish.
With these finishing touches, your bifold doors will fit perfectly and look professionally installed.
Re-installing the Trimmed Bifold Doors
Success! Your doors are prepped.
Here’s how to get them back in action:
1. Reinstall the Doors: Carefully lift the doors and place them back onto the top and bottom tracks, ensuring proper alignment with the brackets.
2. Adjust the Hardware: Slight adjustments might be needed after trimming. Use a screwdriver to loosen or tighten the pivot screws at the top and bottom brackets. This can help fine-tune the folding movement and ensure the doors glide smoothly.
3. Alignment Check: Open and close the doors several times. Look for any rubbing or gaps. If needed, make minor adjustments to the pivot screws or track positions for a perfect fit and smooth operation.
Pro Tip: If the doors are still catching, check if the floor is level. Uneven floors can cause misalignment. In such cases, shims might be necessary beneath the track for proper levelling.

FAQs About How To Trim Bifold Doors
Can I Trim Bifold Doors Without Removing Them From the Track?
It’s not recommended to trim bifold doors without removing them from the track. For safety and accuracy, it’s best to remove the doors and lay them flat for controlled cutting.
What Is the Maximum Amount That Can Be Trimmed off a Bifold Door?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on the clearance needed and the door’s overall height. Generally, aim to trim no more than 10mm at a time to avoid compromising the door’s structural integrity.
Is It Necessary To Seal the Edges After Trimming Bifold Doors?
Yes! Exposed wood is vulnerable to moisture damage. Sealing the cut edge with paint or a matching sealant protects the door and maintains a finished look.
Achieve Perfection with DIY Bifold Door Trimming
By following this guide on how to trim bifold doors, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to get the job done precisely.
Remember, accurate measurements and careful cutting are key to a successful outcome. Take your time, refer back to the steps if needed, and don’t hesitate to consult a professional if you have any concerns.
Ready to tackle other DIY projects?
Doors Plus offers a wide range of home improvement guides to empower you. Browse our website for inspiration!
For trickier door situations or if you prefer professional assistance, contact us today to schedule a consultation or service appointment.

Standard Widths of Sliding Glass Doors: A Comprehensive Guide

Sliding glass doors have become a staple in modern Australian architecture. They offer a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor living spaces like patios, decks, and balconies, enhancing the feeling of openness and light.
Selecting the appropriate size for a sliding glass door is essential to guarantee functionality and aesthetic harmony.
This guide will discuss how wide a standard sliding glass door is, factors to consider when making your selection, and essential tips for measuring and installing.

What Defines the Standard Width of Sliding Glass Doors?
Sliding glass doors come in various standard sizes to meet diverse architectural needs and design preferences.
In Australia, standard sliding door sizes can vary, but they generally range in height from 2100mm to 2400mm.
Common widths range from 1500mm for a single sliding door and 3000 mm to over 6000mm for double or triple-panel units.
Manufacturers establish these standard sizes by considering building codes, customer preferences, and material capabilities, ensuring practical and appealing dimensions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Sliding Glass Door Size
Selecting the right-sized sliding glass door involves thinking about functionality and aesthetic appeal.
Here are some key factors to consider:
• Space and Layout: Measure your existing doorway and make sure the chosen door allows for smooth operation without compromising traffic flow inside your home.
• Light and Ventilation: Larger doors allow for more natural light to fill your space and improve ventilation. However, consider your climate – wider doors might be great in cooler areas but could lead to excessive heat gain in warmer regions.
• Aesthetics and Architecture: The size of your door should complement the overall style of your home. Wider doors create a grand entrance to a large patio, while narrower doors might suit a more intimate balcony space.
Ultimately, the perfect sliding glass door should improve your living space by combining functionality, aesthetics, and comfort.

How to Measure for a Sliding Glass Door
Making sure your new sliding glass door fits perfectly begins with getting the measurements just right.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you out:
Measure the Width – Measure from inside your house at the rough opening where the new door will be installed. Use a reliable tape measure and take three measurements—at the top, middle, and bottom of the opening.
Measure the Height – Similar to measuring the width, take three measurements of the height – top, middle, and bottom of the rough opening.
Remember to account for clearance needed for the door track and frame by subtracting 10 millimetres from your smallest width and height measurement to allow for adjustments and smooth installation.
Installation Tips for Sliding Glass Doors
For a successful installation of your sliding glass doors, keep in mind these tips:
1. Prepare the Opening: Ensure that the rough opening is clean, level, and free of debris.
2. Install the Frame: Set the door frame into the rough opening, making sure it is level and plumb. Secure it with screws, checking periodically to ensure it remains level throughout the process.
3. Insert the Door Panels: Carefully lift the glass door panels into the frame. Start with the stationary panel, securing it in place, and then insert the sliding panel onto the track, and test it to make sure it glides smoothly.
4. Install Hardware: Attach any necessary hardware, such as handles, locks, and rollers, checking that everything is aligned and functions properly.
Common challenges:
• Uneven Openings: If the rough opening is not perfectly square or level, use shims to adjust and balance the door frame.
• Difficult Panel Installation: Sliding glass panels can be heavy and awkward to handle. Get a partner to help out and use suction cup lifters for better grip and control during installation.
• Track Misalignment: If the sliding door isn’t gliding smoothly, check the track alignment and make necessary adjustments.
Custom Sizes and When to Consider Them
While standard sizes can work for many homes and projects, they may not always be suitable.
For instance, a custom-sized sliding glass door may be necessary for a proper fit if you have an older home with unique wall measurements or architectural design. Additionally, a larger or custom-sized door could be the perfect solution if you want to create a grand entrance or focal point.
Benefits of Custom Sliding Glass Doors:
• Perfect Fit: Eliminates gaps and ensures optimal functionality and weatherproofing.
• Design Freedom: Tailor the door to your specific architectural style.
• Enhanced Curb Appeal: Adds grandeur and can become a home focal point.

FAQs About How Wide Is a Standard Sliding Glass Door?
What Is the Standard Size for Sliding Glass Doors?
Sliding glass doors generally have heights from 2.1 to 2.4 metres and widths from 1.5 metres for a single door to 3 to 6 metres for grand double or triple-panel configurations.
Can I Have a Sliding Glass Door Wider Than the Standard Sizes?
Yes, custom-sized sliding glass doors are available to accommodate larger openings or specific design needs. Many manufacturers offer extended sizes and customisation options to meet unique project requirements.
How Do I Choose the Right Glass Type for My Sliding Glass Door?
Choose the glass type based on your needs and preferences. For energy efficiency, low-E or double-pane glass reduces heat transfer and lowers energy costs. To maximise natural light, consider clear or tinted glass. Your choice can also affect privacy and noise control.

Find the Perfect Fit: Selecting Your Sliding Glass Door
Choosing the correct size for your sliding glass door is important for both its functionality and aesthetics.
A well-sized door ensures easy operation, effective weatherproofing, and better energy efficiency. Selecting a door that matches your home’s style can greatly enhance its appeal.
When installing a sliding glass door, consider both practical and visual factors to achieve a balance of beauty and performance.
To find the perfect fit for your home, we invite you to visit Doors Plus for a consultation or to browse our extensive collection of custom and standard-sized sliding glass doors.
Our experienced team can help you determine the best size for your sliding glass door based on your specific requirements and the layout of your home.

Transform Your Space Today – Visit Doors Plus for Your Perfect Sliding Glass Door!

The Timeless Appeal of Vintage Front Doors

Vintage aesthetics are gracing modern homes, and the trend extends to the front door. More than an entry, a vintage door adds character and history. Beyond beauty, these handcrafted doors are incredibly durable and can even boost your property value.
Considering an upgrade? In this blog, we’ll explore vintage door styles, craftsmanship, and tips for seamlessly incorporating them into your modern space.

What Defines a Vintage Front Door?
Actual vintage doors are from earlier eras, from before the mid-20th century.
They often showcase distinct characteristics like detailed craftsmanship, high-quality materials like solid wood, and design elements from popular styles of the time.
Essentially, a vintage door tells a story, reflecting the architectural trends of its time.
Today, “vintage” doors refer to designs that capture the essence of the original vintage style. More than just functional, they’re pieces of history and art that add charm and character to modern homes.

Exploring Different Styles of Vintage Front Doors

Vintage or antique entry doors come in a variety of styles, each with its unique character and history.
Here are some examples:
• Victorian Doors: Distinguished by their ornate details, including stained glass inserts and elaborate woodwork. Their vibrant colours and high craftsmanship reflect the elegance of the Victorian era.
• Art Deco Entrances: Simple geometric lines reflecting a modern love for simplicity. They’re perfect for adding a touch of sophistication and elegance.
• Colonial Doors: Symmetrical beauty with classic vibes, featuring raised panels and solid wood warmth. These doors echo the enduring charm of early American architecture.
• Mid-Century Modern Doors: Sleek lines with vibrant glass accents. Ideal for those looking to infuse their entryways with a pop of colour and retro flair.
Vintage doors utilise materials like the richness of mahogany, the beauty of oak, and the classic touch of wrought iron to bring history into our homes and add an unmistakable elegance.

The Craftsmanship Behind Vintage Doors
Vintage doors are a tribute to the craftsmanship of the past, distinguished by their hand-carved details and mastery of joinery, including the mortise and tenon techniques of assembly without nails or screws, displaying meticulous craftsmanship and finishing.
Today, skilled artisans replicate these methods in modern reproductions, ensuring the same level of quality and intricate details found in original pieces. This allows you to own a piece of history while enjoying the benefits of modern materials and construction.

Practical Benefits of Vintage Front Doors
Vintage doors boast an aesthetic appeal and exceptional durability, meticulously crafted from solid wood, engineered wood, or composite materials for enduring utility. Their high-quality materials and craftsmanship minimise the need for repairs.
Investing in vintage doors can boost your home’s resale value due to their unique charm and timeless appeal. Potential buyers often pay a premium for properties with such high-quality, attractive elements.
When it comes to energy efficiency, some modern vintage doors come with insulated cores and glass inserts. Adding weatherstripping takes these classic beauties up a notch, making them meet today’s thermal performance standards.

Incorporating Vintage Doors into Modern Homes
Vintage doors can add a touch of timeless elegance to your modern home, but creating a cohesive look requires a bit of finesse.
Here are some tips:
• Play with colour: Don’t shy away from a bold statement! A vibrant pop of colour on your vintage door can act as a focal point and complement a neutral modern palette.
• Embrace natural materials: The warm wood of an older-looking door contrasts well with the modern, simple style and cool colours of contemporary furniture and decor.
• Hardware matters: Update the hardware on your antique exterior door with modern finishes like brushed nickel or chrome. This creates a visually cohesive look while maintaining the door’s functionality.
• Think lighting: Highlight the intricate details of your vintage door with well-placed lighting. Consider sconces on either side of the entrance or recessed lighting overhead to showcase the door’s unique character.
Integrating a vintage exterior door into your modern home bridges the past and present, adding unique charm and character often missing in modern designs, making it a standout feature in any contemporary setting.
Choosing the Right Vintage Door for Your Home
Finding the ideal vintage door for your home requires careful consideration of several factors.
Here’s a breakdown of what to keep in mind:
• Size: Measure your existing doorway to ensure the vintage door you choose will fit seamlessly. Vintage doors can vary significantly in size, so precise measurements are crucial.
• Material: Solid wood doors offer timeless beauty but require more maintenance. Wrought iron provides a unique touch but might not be ideal for all styles.
• Style: Consider your home’s overall design. Would a Victorian door with intricate details complement your modern entryway? Or perhaps a simpler Colonial style would be a better choice.

Fitting the Door- a basic overview:
• Measure twice, cut once: Double-check your measurements of the existing opening and the vintage door.
• Prepare the opening: Ensure the opening is level and plumb. Minor adjustments might be needed.
• Hardware compatibility: Check if existing hardware aligns with the vintage door’s pre-drilled holes. Adjustments might be necessary.
Professional installation is highly recommended to ensure a perfect fit and prevent damage to your vintage treasure.
Doors Plus can provide expert installation services to guarantee a flawless integration of your chosen door.
FAQs About Vintage Front Doors
What Is a Victorian Front Door?
A Victorian front door typically refers to a style from the Victorian era (1837-1901), distinct for its ornamental design featuring panels, stained glass, and vibrant colours. These doors are often made of solid wood and embody the grandeur and intricate craftsmanship characteristic of the period. Today, a new “vintage door” replicates an original.
How To Tell if a Front Door Is Original?
To determine if your old front door is original, examine its materials, craftsmanship, and design features typical of the period it supposedly originates from. Look for signs of ageing or wear that align with the door’s historical context and consult with an expert if necessary.
How To Tell the Age of an Antique Door?
To estimate the age of an antique door, focus on material composition, construction techniques, and stylistic elements indicative of specific historical periods. Consulting with antique experts or using architectural reference guides can also provide valuable insights into the door’s provenance.
Embrace the Vintage Charm: Upgrade Your Home Today
Vintage front doors aren’t just beautiful; they’re built to last, enhancing your modern home with a touch of history and character and potentially increasing its property value.
A stunning vintage door can transform your entryway, instantly creating a welcoming ambience that sets the tone for your entire home.

Ready to unleash the charm of yesteryear? Doors Plus is here to help!
Visit our showroom or contact us today for a free consultation and professional measurement.
Let’s find the perfect vintage door to transform your home’s entrance into a timeless statement piece.

How to Install Wood Doors: A Detailed Guide to Uplifting Your Home’s Charm

Does the sight of your plain old doors leave you feeling, well, plain bored? Imagine stepping through a doorway that breathes sophistication and timeless charm. Wood doors are living art, bringing warmth, character, and a wow factor to your home.
A perfectly hung wood door ensures smooth operation, keeps energy bills low, and creates a look that elevates your entire space.
This comprehensive guide will take the mystery out of wood door installation. With a step-by-step approach, you’ll be well on your way to transforming your doorways from boring to beautiful!
Preparation for Installation
How to install wood doors: First things first, meticulously measure your doorway’s width, height, and depth in three different spots. Record the smallest measurements to guarantee the door will fit.

Also, any irregularities in the wall that might affect installation should be considered.
Now, it’s time to choose the door for your space.
Selecting a wood door for your home goes beyond just aesthetics. It’s about finding the ideal balance between style, functionality, and practicality.
When choosing doors, consider:
• Traffic & Privacy: Solid wood for high-traffic/soundproofing needs; engineered wood or glass for lighter traffic and aesthetics.
• Light & Space: French doors for openness and natural light.
• Materials: Solid wood for elegance, engineered wood for versatility, and MDF for affordability.
• Functionality: Sliding doors for outdoor access, pocket doors for space-saving, bi-fold for large openings, or barn doors for a rustic charm.
• Style & Finish: Match the door style to your home’s décor and choose the right finish for your aesthetic.

Now that your right door is chosen, let’s begin the installation process!

Gather all the necessary tools and materials.
This may include:
• Screws
• Hinges
• Drill
• Screwdriver
• Level
• Blocks
• Wood filler
• Sandpaper
• Weatherstripping
• Wood stain, paint or suitable finish
Before beginning installation, always check with the manufacturer to make sure you have all the materials for the process.
Removing the Old Door (if applicable)
If replacing an existing door, follow these steps for safe removal:
1. Prepare the Area: Clear the space around the door to ensure easy access.
2. Unscrewing Hinges: Use a screwdriver to carefully remove the screws securing the hinges to the door frame.
3. Lift the Door: With the screws removed, lift the door carefully out of the frame.
4. Dispose Responsibly: Handle the old door with care, and consider recycling or donating if in good condition. Otherwise, dispose it responsibly according to local regulations.

Preparing the Door Frame
Start by thoroughly inspecting the frame for any signs of damage, such as cracks, rot, or warping. Use a level to confirm that the frame is perfectly horizontal and vertical.
If you encounter minor damages, repair them by filling cracks or small holes with wood filler and sand the area smooth.
The door frame must be solid and level for a smooth and efficient door installation.
Doors Plus can assist with replacing any rotten or damaged door framework. We can also install into existing frameworks too, although our carpenters will not repair any existing framework. Speak to a Doors Plus consultant for the best advice.
Installing the Wood Door
To successfully install your new wood door, follow the steps outlined below:
• Marking Hinge Positions: Place the door on blocks to elevate it, and position it in the door frame. Using a level, carefully mark the hinge locations on both the door jamb and the door itself.
• Attaching Hinges: Fix hinges to the door using the marks made in the previous step, ensuring proper alignment and levelness.
• Securing the Door: Position the door within the frame and attach the hinges to the frame using screws. Test the door swing for smooth operation.

If the door’s movement is problematic, adjust as needed. This may involve adjusting hinge placement or aligning the door within the frame for a smooth fit and function.
Finishing Touches
Now, seal any gaps between the door and the frame using weather stripping. This improves energy efficiency by preventing drafts and reduces noise transmission.
Choose a finish or stain that complements your home’s design. Apply it to your door to protect the wood and enhance its appearance.

Maintenance and Care for Wood Doors
Inspect the door annually for signs of wear, such as chipping paint or varnish, and address these promptly to prevent moisture penetration and wood damage.
Clean the door with a mild soap and water. Tighten any loose screws and lubricate hinges to ensure smooth operation.
Protect your door with shades or an overhang from direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can fade and damage the wood.
FAQs about How to Install Wood Doors
How Do You Attach a Wooden Door?
To install a wooden door from scratch, align it in the frame, marking hinge spots. Ensure the door is level, adjusting if necessary. Fix the hinges to the door using provided screws according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Attach the hinges to the frame, ensuring alignment and the door swings freely.
Can I Install a Door Myself?
Yes, you can install a door yourself with the right tools and materials. DIY door installation involves measuring and preparing the doorway, ensuring the door fits properly, attaching hinges, and hanging the door.
How Do You Fit a New Wooden Door Frame?
To fit a new wooden door frame, measure the height, width, and depth of the opening. Cut the frame to size, ensuring it is level and plumb. Attach the frame to the wall using shims and screws. That’s how to install a wooden door frame.
Seal the Deal: Enjoy Your New Wood Door and Peace of Mind
Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to install wood doors.
By following our guide, you can achieve a perfect fit, smooth operation, and timeless elegance that enhances your home and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done!
If you’re not into DIY or need professional help, no problem!
Doors Plus’ professional team of installers are ready to assist you.

Visit our showroom or check out our website to see our extensive range of wood doors and installation services.
Contact us for a free measure and quote, and let Doors Plus turn your doorways from ordinary to extraordinary!

Doors Plus