Doors Plus TV

Mastering Bifold Doors: Your DIY Guide to Trimming

Bifold doors, those space-saving wonders with their accordion-like folds, are a popular choice for closets, doorways, and more. But sometimes,…

Standard Widths of Sliding Glass Doors: A Comprehensive Guide

Sliding glass doors have become a staple in modern Australian architecture. They offer a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor…

How to Install Wood Doors: A Detailed Guide to Uplifting Your Home’s Charm

Does the sight of your plain old doors leave you feeling, well, plain bored? Imagine stepping through a doorway that…

Aluminium Sliding Door Advantages: Why They Might Be Perfect for Your Home

Battling a stubborn door is no way to start or end your day. Think your entrances are as good as…
Doors Plus